
Hamburg (dpa) - According to Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU), more federal funding is available for cycling projects than ever before.

"Now the municipalities have to take action, now the money has to flow out," said Scheuer on Tuesday at a cycling congress in Hamburg.

Scheuer responded to a demand by the German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) for more money.

Its chief executive Gerd Landsberg writes in a brochure on the promotion of cycling that was updated on Tuesday that a major obstacle is the municipal finances, which had billions in investment arrears in the transport infrastructure.

"The aim here is to take consistent countermeasures by increasing the cycling programs of the federal and state governments in favor of a nationwide infrastructure expansion."

The environmental organization BUND also points out that funding offers have so far failed due to the fact that own contributions could not be raised.

“Of course we have some catching up to do,” said Scheuer.

But the federal government reacted to the need to catch up.

“The demand for money is okay.

Now it's about the money flowing out, and there is more than ever before. "


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