
April 27, 2021Facebook and Gucci filed a joint lawsuit for violation of Facebook and Instagram's terms of service and conditions of use and for infringement of Gucci's intellectual property rights, counterfeiting of Gucci trademarks and unfair competition. The lawsuit is in the Northern California District Court and the individual in question, a natural person, is accused of using Facebook and Instagram accounts to circumvent Facebook's previous actions and investigations and to continue promoting his business online by selling products. counterfeit by Gucci and violating the Facebook and Instagram terms of service.

The commitment of the Gucci team dedicated to intellectual property led, in 2020 alone, according to a note, to the removal of over 4 million advertisements of counterfeit products online on various platforms, to the seizure of 4.1 million. counterfeit products offline and the deactivation of 45,000 websites, accounts and social media pages. "These efforts - it is explained - are aimed at preserving Gucci's creative heritage and at the same time protecting customers, who must be enabled to be sure of the authenticity of Gucci products and not to risk buying counterfeit products".

  The lawsuit "is part of a solid strategic plan aimed at respecting intellectual property", is added and implemented by the fashion group to combat the violation of its rights both online and offline at every level, starting from production and distribution up to promotion and sale.

Facebook and Instagram, for their part, remind us how their terms of service strictly prohibit the infringement of intellectual property rights, including the sale or promotion of counterfeit products. Collaboration with brands such as Gucci "has helped Facebook and Instagram develop a robust intellectual property protection program, which includes, among other things, a comprehensive notification and takedown procedure" is added, reporting that in 2020, Facebook removed more than a million contents based on thousands of reports from various brands, including Gucci.