Trosa municipality is one of about 30 municipalities that were examined by Ivo after they introduced a local restraining order when the national ban expired.

Ivo writes in its decision that it was not allowed to restrict the residents' right to receive visits to their own home in the way that Trosa municipality chose to do.

Such a restriction may only be made with a special decision from the Public Health Agency or with the consent of the residents.

No action

The care and welfare committee in Trosa has expressed to Ivo that they experienced a worrying increase in covid-19 in the municipality and that they advised against visits after conducting a risk analysis.

Instead, the elderly were offered safe places to visit outdoors that could be booked every day of the week.

Despite this, Ivo takes the restrictions very seriously, which they believe meant a restriction on the rights of individuals.

However, since the municipality's curfew was lifted on 8 February this year, no further action will be taken.