What are the symptoms of the Indian strain of the emerging corona virus "Covid-19"? How many mutation does it contain? Are vaccines effective with it ?.

Over the past few days, fear has grown over a strain called B.1.617 (B.1.617), which was discovered in western India in October.

It is a "double mutant";

Because it carries two disturbing mutations at the level of the spike protein of the emerging corona virus - its scientific name is SARS-CoV-2 - which is a protrusion on its cover that allows it to adhere to human cells.

The first mutation, called E484Q (E484Q), is suspected to reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine while increasing the risk of reinfection with Covid-19.

The second mutation called "L452R" (L452R) was found on a mutant detected in California, and it may be able to cause an increase in transmission.

This is the first time that the two mutations have been detected together on a widely distributed mutant.

These characteristics raise concerns that the mutant would have more "resistance" to the current vaccines against the Coronavirus, which were developed to identify the thorn protein of previous strains of the virus;

But this has not been proven at this time.

But even in this case, it has not been scientifically proven that the mutant is more contagious, according to a report by the French Press.

"At this stage, no link has been established between the emergence of this mutant and the recent deterioration of the epidemiological situation" in India, the French Public Health Agency said in its latest risk analysis of emerging mutations, published on April 8.

But over the past few days, reports have appeared in several media outlets about a new mutated strain in India, a triple mutation, which has been identified in parts of West Bengal, Delhi and Maharashtra.

The new strain was named "B.1.618" (B.1.618), and it is "a mixture of 3 different strains of Covid-19" (Triple mutation), and is recognized by a distinct set of genetic variants including "E484K". (E484K), which is called a major immune escape variable, and likely has the ability to evade antibodies produced by people who have already recovered from COVID-19 infection.

What are the symptoms of the Indian strain of corona?

Although until the moment there is no conclusive evidence that the current wave of the Corona epidemic in India is caused by new strains, but symptoms have been observed in this wave, and they may be related to these strains.

Dr. Suradepta Chandra, a consultant physician at Helvetia Medical Center in Delhi, said in a statement to "Times Now News" (times now news) that it is possible that there are binary and triple mutant variants of Covid-19 that were discovered for the first time in India, and it appears that The mutation itself causes symptoms never before seen.

"It appears that the new species is causing new symptoms," said Dr. Chandra.

She said that the new symptoms that they observed in Covid-19 patients during the second wave include:

  • diarrhea.

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Skin rash.

  • conjunctivitis.

  • Confusion and brain fog (confusion).

  • The disease also accompanies the usual symptoms of the Corona virus, such as fever, fatigue and coughing.

The doctor added, "We see patients suffering from diarrhea, abdominal pain, rashes, conjunctivitis, confusion, brain fog, blue discoloration of fingers and toes, and nose and throat bleeding away from the usual symptoms such as sore throat, body aches, and fever." Loss of smell and taste. "

Meanwhile, Sumitra Das, a scientist and director of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics in India, said that the two- and triple-mutated strains, which were first discovered in India, are the same type of coronavirus, and that the vaccines currently given in the country are effective in these. Variables.

Das told a webinar that the two variables refer to the same strain, "P-1.617", and said, "The double and triple mutations are similar."

How they are compound terms, and they were used differently in a different context. "

For her part, Jessica Niepes wrote in the British "Daily Express" that data are emerging from hospitals across India, such as nausea, abdominal pain, hearing impairment, vomiting, diarrhea and coughing, in addition to the most common oral and skin manifestations with the current variant.

Different opinions

On the other hand, Vanessa Chalmers wrote in The Sun that cases of Indian ancestry are increasing amid concerns that this spread is "the fastest growing in the United Kingdom";

But some scientists are not yet concerned, saying that the traits of the breed do not appear to be more serious than those seen in variants that have appeared in South Africa, Brazil and Kent (British subspecies).

She said public health officials had not noticed that the symptoms of this strain differed from other strains.

The main signs of Covid-19, which must be looked for, are a high temperature, a new and persistent cough, and a loss of the ability to smell or taste.

People who have experienced coronavirus may also report a headache, fatigue, and a rash while they are sick.


Albert Burla, chief executive of Pfizer, told AFP that he was "optimistic" about the ability of the vaccine to counter the Indian mutant.

"For the new mutant that was detected in India, we do not have any data, but I am optimistic about our ability to control it. We have developed a process that enables an effective vaccine within 100 days of the emergence of a mutant that is a concern, and I am satisfied with this difficult goal, given the effectiveness of the acid technology. Nuclear messenger. "