Vientiane between demand and after-school services for students, parents, teachers still "gaps"

  , "an official with a baby" Why is difficult to draw a large audience applauded

  The problem of "3:30" after class has been around for a long time.

Before 3:30 in the afternoon, the child is studying at school and the responsibility lies with the school; after 3:30, the child lives at home and the responsibility rests with the parents.

However, due to the mismatch of work and rest time, many parents have no way to pick up their children, and many parents have to send their children to various trusteeship classes and extracurricular tutoring classes.

At the same time, a large number of children walked out of the school to enter the training class, causing more problems such as "learning in advance", "heavy burden", and "transmitting anxiety".

  In recent years, many places have also introduced plans.

Shenzhen has carried out pilot work on post-class delays in 320 schools since 2015. In 2018, Beijing proposed to provide after-school services with full coverage after 3:30 in the city’s compulsory education section...

  After the Ministry of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in After-School Services for Primary and Secondary School Students," more practices and measures have been introduced in various regions, and various explorations of "officially bringing babies" have been launched.

According to data released on the official website of the Ministry of Education, as of October 2020, 30 provinces across the country have introduced after-school service policies for primary and secondary schools, and 36 large and medium-sized cities (4 municipalities directly under the Central Government, 27 provincial capital cities, and 5 separate planning cities) 66.2% of elementary schools and 56.4% of junior high schools offered after-school services, and 43.2% of elementary school students and 33.7% of junior high school students voluntarily participated in after-school services.

As the "double reduction" issue has become a hot spot in the National Two Sessions this year, more and more measures to postpone school are launched in various places.

  However, the emergence of autocorrelation policies has been accompanied by two distinct voices.

Some parents raised their hands in favor and shouted "in time", but some parents refused to buy it.

At the same time, many elementary and middle school students and teachers also said that the teaching work is already very heavy now, and adding the content of after-school care on this basis is undoubtedly "exacerbating the situation."

  How is the "officials with babies" applauded?

To this end, reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily interviewed many parents, teachers and experts to try to find answers.

Parents’ needs start with care, but never stop at care

  At a press conference held by the Ministry of Education at the end of February, Lu Yugang, Director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, stated that all localities should promote the implementation of full coverage of after-school services in compulsory education schools, and every school should do it.

In terms of time arrangement, it should be connected with the local normal off-duty hours to effectively solve the problem of parents’ difficulty in picking up students.

  In mid-March, Yang Qing received a notice from her daughter's elementary school.

  "The implementation of the policy is so fast!" Yang Qing's daughter is in the first grade of a public elementary school in Beijing.

The notice received by Yang Qing stated that the school will carry out voluntary enrollment after-school care, which can pick up children at 5:30. The contents of the care include poetry appreciation, painting, music, reading, calligraphy, etc.

  Yang Qing and her lover are both office workers. There is no elderly person at home to help pick up and drop off the children. Her daughter originally had to go to a trusteeship agency outside the school every day after school.

Yang Qing was very happy to receive this news and directly signed up for after-school care two days a week, intending to "try the water."

"The security of the school hosting service is definitely not a problem. After school is over at 5:30, we can pick up the children directly."

  However, two weeks later, the excitement was gone, and Yang Qing planned to quit the school's after-school care.

  "Even though the school has a trusteeship, many of the'soft' homework such as reading and memorizing still have to be done at home in the evening. There is no after-school homework guidance service in the school." Yang Qing said, "At school During the two days of the custody, going home was the same as'fighting', and had to toss until after 9 o'clock in the evening to finish homework and sleep."

  Yang Qing said that in the off-campus custody class, there are special teachers to guide these contents, and the children will be much more relaxed after returning home at night.

  Not only that, there is no "additional meal" service for the school's afternoon hosting.

Yang Qing remembers the first time he picked up a child from school at 5:30, the child "wailed" and was too hungry.

Moreover, during the two days of school custody, children can only stay in the classroom and cannot go to outdoor activities like they are in off-school custody.

  "Later I went to pick up the children, and the parents of the students who had been experimenting with me for two weeks couldn't say it. My reason was that I wasted time and asked the children to'work overtime' at night. Most of the other parents felt that they could treat their children. Take it back and go to more important extracurricular classes." Yang Qing said.

  "While other people's children are studying, my children are playing paper-cutting and making handicrafts." Like Yang Qing, Sun Jia also plans not to apply for school trusteeship.

  "Although the demand for a solution to the 3:30 problem is very high, less than a quarter of the people in our class sign up. As parents, on the one hand, we feel that the school’s after-school care is too rigid, and we usually sit in the classroom; On the one hand, the extracurricular classes outside are much more useful than the content hosted by the school." Sun Jia said.

  Recently, a survey conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily on 1605 parents of primary and middle school students showed that 92.9% of the parents surveyed expect to implement after-school services for students.

Parents' "expecting implementation" should have two meanings, one is looking forward to "implementation", and the other is looking forward to "good".

  Parents' demand for after-school services begins with caregiving, but it never ends with caregiving.

  Zheng Yang, a parent of elementary school students from Panjin, Liaoning, has participated in the school after-school care service for two semesters.

"In the past, when the school did not provide after-school services, we did not have the conditions to pick up the children in time, and we would send the children to off-campus training institutions. But I still prefer the school’s after-school services. The school is more professional in tutoring children. Strong. Moreover, we don’t have to worry about safety. In addition, in school, children can spend more time with classmates and teachers, which is good for children to adapt to collective life."

  In Zheng Yang’s view, although the school’s after-school services are already doing well, there is still room for improvement. For example, compared with off-campus training institutions, the school’s hobby classes are not very professional, and the types and content of courses are somewhat limited. .

  In addition, Zheng Yang believes that the school's services can be more humane.

"For example, in the end of school time, the two time points our school can choose are 5 o'clock and 5:30, but we ask everyone to agree on the same time. Dual-career families prefer to pick up their children at 5:30 or 6 o'clock, but they are still unified in the end. It’s 5 points, can it be more flexible?"

  What Zheng Yang expects is exactly what the experts worry about.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that according to the regulations of the competent authority, the time for students to enter school in the morning has to be delayed, and the time for school is also delayed. This is similar to some parents. The schedule of work and rest are the same. This “part” is mainly for parents who work in administrative agencies and institutions. However, “some parents who work need to send their children away at 7 in the morning. They can be sent to school before, so now the school Postpone the time to enter school, where do you let such a child stay?"

  "We must make every place and every school take measures that are in line with the actual situation of the region and the school, and it cannot be one size fits all." Chu Zhaohui said.

Not only "from eight to six", teachers are also ordinary people

  Some parents do not buy it, and many teachers have voices of doubt.

  "In a sense, although school trusteeship has reduced the burden on parents, it has not really reduced the burden on teachers and students. Especially for lower grade children, from 8 am to 6 pm, including afternoon care Staying in school, it is still on duty after school. Some children are far away from home, and it is already more than 7 o'clock in the evening to get home." said Huang Xiang, a primary school teacher in Shenzhen.

  Compared with students, teachers spend more time in school.

  A teacher who served as a head teacher in the lower grades of elementary school said that every head teacher has a deep affection for the students in his class. Even if he does not have his own class during the after-school service hours, "as long as the students are there, I will be worried." The teacher told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily, “For example, today is not my responsibility for self-study, but I will also go to the classroom to walk around from time to time to see the children’s learning status, or answer questions at any time.”

  The profession of teacher requires constant input and update of knowledge and continuous improvement of teaching skills. To achieve these goals, a minimum time guarantee is required.

"Now I basically work 12 hours a day, and I am very tired. This profession gives us a lot of responsibilities and obligations, but first of all, we are ordinary people, three meals four seasons, ordinary. Now we have extended working hours and increased the burden of work. The energy is limited, and the final impact is likely to be the quality of teaching." Huang Xiang said.

  In addition, there is another fact that cannot be ignored: many teachers are also parents. They stay in school to tutor students. What about their children?

  Zhang Yue works as a primary school teacher in Beijing. Her husband is a doctor. They have a child who is about to enter the entrance examination.

"Although it was not early to get off work before, but usually at 7 o'clock in the evening, the child can always have dinner. The child is on the third day of this year and he is stressed, and sometimes it can help her to relieve her, even if it is just chatting. Let alone chat, it’s hard for a family to have dinner together. The child’s father works overtime, and I go home very late. Sometimes the child’s dinner is taken out, and sometimes it’s casual. Looking at the child’s thin face, it really feels pretty good. Guilty." Zhang Yue said.

  Many experts said that the school has the responsibility of taking care of students during their stay at school, but the teaching function of the school should not be lost, especially when it is difficult to ensure that teachers prepare lessons and rest.

Expert: Children can't just live in a two-point and one-line space

  Even if the problems of single courses and inflexible time for picking up students can be solved, many educators pointed out that there are not only advantages and no disadvantages for primary and secondary school students to stay in school for a long time.

  Many teachers have more in-depth thinking.

“It’s a good thing for children to complete their homework at school. It’s a good thing to have a teacher to help them at any time, but it also depends on the situation.” Wang Ying, a teacher at Nanchang Elementary School in Jiangxi, said that some children may develop the habit of procrastinating. I feel that "you can stay until 6 anyway", the more you write, the slower you write.

"So even if the child stays at school until 6 o'clock, he still can't finish his homework." Wang Ying said.

  Chu Zhaohui said that there is still a misunderstanding in people's understanding, that children can only live in a two-point and one-line space between school and family.

Children at the stage of basic education, especially elementary school students, are most sensitive to external things and need opportunities to experience nature and contact society.

  "The ideal situation is that the course study time stipulated by the course standards should only account for 60% of the students’ total study time, and the remaining 40% of the time should be at the disposal of the students themselves, allowing them to walk into nature and society. Learn what you like and do what you like to do.” Chu Zhaohui said.

  The current situation is that many students' "school-home" two-point and one-line life model has become more solidified, and parent-child time has been reduced.

  "Parent-child communication time is reduced. Lower grade children spend too much time in school, and they tend to get tired or tired of studying." Teacher Huang Xiang said, and for children in lower grades, after-school preview and review all require adult intervention. Guidance and supervision, "After all, it is a critical period for cultivating study habits and attitudes. Self-study classes obviously cannot provide such sufficient accompanying guidance."

  In order to reduce the pressure on students and parents, many places not only postpone the school time, but also the school time night after night, and some places even propose to extend it to 7 pm.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that the problem of "fraction-only theory" still exists.

As long as this pressure exists, it will be difficult to reduce the student's academic burden, and parents will do everything possible to enroll their children in extracurricular classes.

He suggested that the education administration department should reduce the burden on students and teachers through key system design.

As for specific measures such as after-school services, parents, children, and schools can deal with them more flexibly.

  (The teacher and parents in the text are both pseudonyms)

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Ye Yuting Fan Weichen and intern Zhang Hanqiong Source: China Youth Daily