Former Omani Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusuf bin Alawi said that there are indications of what he called a "second Arab Spring."

He saw that the current conditions are similar to the conditions that preceded the Arab Spring revolutions that erupted 10 years ago.

During an interview with Oman TV last Thursday evening, Yusef bin Alawi said, "Maybe one spring is enough."

He indicated that he is talking about the Arab region in general.

He asked: What were the reasons that led to the first spring?

And "Has the matter now changed or does it need a second spring?"

He added that there are similarities between the two cases, and there are "signals", but it depends on "how to light the fuse," as he put it.

Yusuf bin Alawi's statements sparked interactions on social media platforms, with some commentators seeing them as a "warning" and "advice."

Bin Alawi, a former foreign minister, veteran and statesman, his words, and if some do not like it, it is his truth, a bell and a warning about the danger and advice, and this is the role of actual statesmen.

- Abdullah Al Khalifa (@AbalKHalifah) April 25, 2021

Excuse me, Excellency, but your reading of the Arab scene is irrelevant.

- Abdulkhaleq Abdulla (@Abdulkhaleq_UAE) April 25, 2021

Currently # Night_Muskat

with the retired Minister # Yusef Bin_Alawi

- Zainab (@ Zainab56khalid) April 22, 2021

Retired Minister #Yusuf Bin_Alawi, far from official pressures, confirms that the conditions of the Arab world, from the ocean to the Gulf, do not bode well, and believes that the first wave of the Arab Spring revolutions was not sufficient to amend the situation, and he expects a second wave.

And his statements, if not liked by many, except that he spoke of a reality that is aggravated and complicated ..

- Dr. Abdullah Al-Ammadi (@Abdulla_Alamadi) April 25, 2021