
21 April 2015 According to investigators, some interceptions clarify the extortion methods developed by the Di Cosola mafia clan in the area and, in particular, those against building contractors forced to buy poor quality cement.

This is what emerged from the investigations that led to the arrest of 60 people by the carabinieri in Bari and the province. In particular, from the interceptions it would appear that some suspects had become real 'partners' of the company 'Murgia Inerti srl', in exchange for a commission quantifiable in 1-2 euros per cubic meter of cement placed on the market.  

The order of the investigating judge

"The presence of the Di Cosola clan in construction - reads the order of the investigating judge - has made it possible to ascertain that, in addition to the disturbance of the normal trend of the free market (imposition of concrete, of the firms involved in excavation work and of the supervision of ), there was also the marketing of a product that did not correspond to the one agreed upon in the negotiation, this also causing fear of the 'stability' of any artifacts made through the use of the same. Di Cosola, devoid of any scruple, offered very competitive prices while providing, at the same time, a semi-finished product of lower quality ".    

The wiretapping

A circumstance that emerges clearly from some telephone interceptions, which show that the quality of the cement did not correspond to that agreed. In fact, "Procida's evident concern was recorded - the ordinance reads again - with respect to the request made by an entrepreneur for a check on the quality of the semi-finished product" ... those have to do the auditions here on the site ... " in a dialogue. So Procida ordered one of her employees to put a little more concrete: "... How much did you put concrete? ....... ready (..) so if you can put another 20 kilos of concrete per meter? at least they are 180 and add another 2 quintals ".