
Kitzingen (AP) - A monk from the Benedictine abbey of Münsterschwarzach, who had granted a refugee church asylum, has been acquitted by the Kitzingen district court.

The public prosecutor's office had demanded a fine of 2,400 euros, but the court did not obey on Monday (Az: 1 Cs 882 Js 16548/20).

The 49-year-old, who coordinated the refugee work of the Benedictine Abbey in Schwarzach am Main (Kitzingen district), took in a refugee born in the Gaza Strip in August 2020.

The 25-year-old had entered the European Union a few months earlier via Romania, where he was supposed to be deported again - in accordance with the Dublin regulations within the EU.

The defendant finally took him into the abbey.

Defense lawyer Franz Bethäuser spoke of a “signaling effect” of the judgment.

Again and again, critics argue that only the Bavarian judiciary takes action against clergy and religious with this severity.

For the first time, so prayer houses, such a case has now been heard in a local court.

However, the decision is not yet final.

A possible appeal would be negotiated at the district court of Würzburg.


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Leaflet church asylum from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees