
April 25, 2021 An Italian lay missionary, Nadia De Munari, 50, originally from Schio (Vicenza), was killed in Peru with a machete, possibly during an attempted robbery, according to press sources in the South American country.

The woman was allegedly murdered while she slept.

Taken to hospital, she was subjected to an emergency surgery, which was unfortunately useless.

In Peru with Operation Mato Grosso, the missionary was responsible for the 'Mamma mia' center in Nuevo Chimbote, built by Father Ugo De Censi. 

The Farnesina, through the Italian embassy in Peru, is following the case. This was reported by sources from the Foreign Ministry, according to which the representation is in contact with the local authorities who are conducting investigations into the death of Nadia De Munari and with family members in Italy to provide them with assistance.