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controversy arose over the issue of easing the comprehensive real estate tax inside the passport, measures to reduce the property tax are being considered first. The target is'one household, one homeowner' seems to be influential.

Reporter Kang Cheong-wan.


The main direction of the real estate tax adjustment under consideration by the Party Administration can be summarized as'In the case of holding tax, it can be lowered for one household and one homeowner, and higher for multi-homeowners'.

A passport official said, "I will do something to reduce the tax burden for one household and one homeowner," and said, "The first consideration is to ease property tax."

The standard for one household and one homeowner to receive property tax reductions is 600 million won in the official price, and a plan to increase this to 900 million won is being considered promisingly.

The official added, "The comprehensive real estate tax is controversial and should be reviewed further.

This is because the mitigation theory of'let's narrow the target of imposition such as giving only the top 1-2%' and the counterargument of'how to ease the mitigation' even though we are still paying only a few are mixed in the passport.

In the afternoon of today (25th), a high-ranking party administration council was held, attended by the ruling party leader, the deputy prime minister of the economy, and the head of the Blue House secretary.

A senior government official said that the real estate tax issue has not been raised on the agenda as the government is still working on a mediation plan and the ruling party is also facing special committee discussions.

The ruling party is planning to rush to discuss the relevant legislation as the property tax and final tax imposed in the second half of this year are calculated as of June 1st.

"The goal is to legislate in May in accordance with the tax reform bill that the Party Real Estate Commission will make."

It is known that the ruling party's real estate special commission, which will be held the day after tomorrow, will discuss ways to ease loan regulations for young people and newlyweds in addition to the ownership tax issue.

(Video coverage: Jung Sang-bo, video editing: Kim Jin-won)