, April 24. According to a report by the US Chinese website, on the 23rd local time, the nine justices of the US Supreme Court met for the first time and took a new official group photo.

This is the first collective appearance of nine people since the death of former Justice Ginsberg and Barrett's succession.

On April 23, local time, the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court met for the first time and took a new official group photo.

  According to reports, the justices held a weekly case discussion meeting in the Supreme Court building that day.

In the group photo, none of the justices wore a mask.

A spokesperson said that all nine justices have completed the new crown vaccination.

  According to reports, after Barrett took office, six of the justices are currently conservatives, but since the current term of office starting in October 2020, the justices have shown overwhelming unity in their judgments. Of the judgments made, 60% reached an unanimous opinion.

  In the next few days, the justices will prepare to make rulings on cases related to the Obamacare Act and trade union organizations.

  On October 26, 2020, the U.S. Senate voted to approve conservative Judge Barrett as Justice of the Federal Supreme Court, filling the seat of the late liberal Justice Ginsberg.

Barrett was then sworn in.

  With the inauguration of Barrett, the number of conservative and liberal justices in the Federal Supreme Court has become 6 to 3, and the advantage of conservatives has further expanded.