
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - From the point of view of an expert, Corona could produce a "generation of non-swimmers". Since March of last year, because of closings, beginners' swimming courses have hardly been possible, said Eleonore Wagner, managing director of the Württemberg swimming association, in Stuttgart. Since then, the seahorse badge for the youngest swimmers has only been awarded to about a quarter of the other amount. "This is also not proof of safe swimming." The following youth swimming badge, bronze, has only been completed by only one fifth since then. The deficits must be remedied as quickly as possible.

The situation is also difficult for the lifeguards, who have to train constantly to stay fit.

Otherwise, their ability to save will suffer.

"We need more water in the existing pools and better opening times as soon as visitors are allowed to come again," she emphasized with a view to an end to the severe corona measures.

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Swimming Association Württemberg