<Anchor> After the

re-election, many opinions are pouring out over whether to adjust the real estate tax in the passport. With voices that clash with each other, today (23rd) Prime Minister Candidate Kim Bu-gyeom said that the mayor should not be confused.

This is Han Se-hyun.


The'Real Estate Special Commission', which the Democratic Party created in the party to examine the'public sentiment of real estate', was put into operation for the first time after 15 days of re-election.

[Dong-su Yoo / Senior Vice Chairman of the Democratic Party Policy Committee: The direction is to bring it to each of the standing committees on Tuesday (next week)... (

Has the

agenda come out?) The agenda hasn't come out yet.] What the

special commission will do in the future is to unify the party's position on the real estate tax system.

However, among the targets to be unified, especially the comprehensive real estate tax, the'Gap argument' continues.

A ruling party member of the National Assembly's National Territory Committee told SBS that “80% of the ruling party members of the National Territory Committee want to adjust the taxation tax.”

The Political Affairs Committee also proposed a bill to ease the standard for imposing tax on the government's party from 900 million won to 1.2 billion won.

In this regard, an official at the Blue House said, "There is a consensus in principle that the burden on'one living household, one homeowner' should be reduced."

However, it also rejects the objection that the policy stance should be maintained.

Rep. Jin Seong-joon said, "It is a tax levied only on those who have a small amount of space," and said, "I didn't lose the election because of the tax."

Prime Minister Kim Bu-gyeom, who was spared a word on the current issues, also expressed a cautious debate saying that the mayor should not be confused.

[Kim Bu-gyeom/Prime Minister Candidate: If the principle is easily shaken, it can give a false message to the entire real estate market, so be careful... .] The

tax is calculated based on the published price on June 1 each year.

The controversy inside the passport is growing as'let's ease before that' and'reform and retreat' collide.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho·Kim Seung-tae, video editing: Yumira)