
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Customs investigators have discovered an amphetamine laboratory in Hamburg and arrested two suspected drug dealers.

There were arrest warrants against them.

The investigators searched three apartments and a business address in Hamburg as well as an object in Lower Saxony on Tuesday, the customs announced on Friday.

In an apartment in Hamburg-Harburg, the customs officers tracked down a laboratory in which amphetamine was presumably manufactured.

A total of 1.5 kilograms of amphetamine, two kilograms of hashish and about two kilograms of marijuana were seized.

Various chemicals and electronic evidence suitable for the production of amphetamines were also secured.

The two arrested people are suspected of having traded drugs on the Darknet together with another suspect.

The drug - investigated cocaine, amphetamine, hashish and marijuana, and ecstasy tablets - was mailed to the recipients.


In the course of the asset recovery, a car, motorcycle, mobile home and small amounts of cash and jewelry were seized from the accused.

The Hamburg public prosecutor also seized the accounts of the two men.

The state may confiscate wrongly obtained assets from criminals.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210423-99-327034 / 2

PM of Customs - with photos