The bathing area with associated grass areas and volleyball courts a popular haunt when the weather is nice.

But since it is still early in the season, there were not many people either there or at the adjacent campsite on Wednesday, according to Jack Rydberg.

There were only a couple of cars by the parking lot.

It was just below them that the fatal beating must have taken place.

- I saw when they were working with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and thought that it might be a common cardiac arrest.

It can happen anywhere.

But then the police started setting up roadblocks everywhere and interrogating everyone who was in the area, says Jack Rydberg.

He himself saw nothing of the incident itself, nor his staff.

- We were surprised.

It was in the middle of the bright day, he says.

In the clip above, you hear Jack Rydberg talk about how the suspected murder affected him and his staff.