According to Curt Persson, the state has a responsibility to ensure that people who once lived in consensus and in a mutual dependence on each other for centuries have ended up in conflict.

He believes that the state has withdrawn and left it to the people in the area above the cultivation border to resolve their differences of opinion themselves.

The cultivation boundary was drawn in 1867 to set aside an area for reindeer husbandry where no new buildings would be allowed to be built.

However, it would put those already resident in the area in a less favorable position.

Who is the reindeer herder and Sami

- This was also later complicated by the reindeer husbandry law.

Then the state regulates who may be reindeer herders and who is Sami.

All the legal regulations made it more difficult for people to live together, says Curt Persson.

Additional laws that have affected the conditions are the disposal, legal parcels and the litter meadows, all of which have meant that the state has taken over control and ownership of land.

Now Curt Persson believes that the state must ask itself what it wants with the legislation that has taken place hundreds of years ago.

- Has any consequence been drawn from the effect of all the different laws, he wonders.