Chinanews, April 19, according to the British "Guardian" report, in an old building in eastern France, three jam jars filled with gold bars and a large number of gold coins were accidentally discovered, which made the local people feel happy and happy. confused.

Data map: gold coins.

Image source: ICphoto

  The mayor of Morey, France, Petty said that the gold bars and coins found were worth more than 600,000 euros.

  Petty said that four brothers and sisters lived in this three-story building in the city center, and none of them had children.

In 2020, when the last man in his 90s died, one of his relatives offered to sell the building to the city hall for 130,000 euros.

Like many other towns in France, Morey is also looking to buy and renovate old buildings to attract people back to its vacant city center.

  In the spring of 2020, when the new crown epidemic broke out in France, the country imposed a blockade, and workers' plans to clean up buildings were shelved.

But because Morey had a glorious past as a historical manufacturing center for watches and glasses, officials wanted to check whether there were any items of historical value in the building.

  Senior staff including the mayor, the head of the public service department and the head of the local museum came to this old house.

They abide by the rules of social distancing, and each is responsible for one floor, carefully sorting boxes and cabinets.

  "Three jars full of gold bars are placed behind many other items on the shelf," Petty said.

"Everyone was shocked."

  Recently, a second "surprise" was discovered in this house.

Petty revealed that a safe was found in a cupboard. After being pried open, it contained gold coins.

  Petty said the relative who sold the house was calm about this discovery.

The house is now owned by the city hall.

The seller has heard the rumor that the treasure is hidden in the family, but does not think the treasure is still there.