
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - Die Linke assumes that the forgery of the Stendal municipal elections in 2014 was carried out with the system and support of several participants.

"We are dealing with a structured, planned, criminal act with the aim of falsifying election results," said Wulf Gallert, member of the state parliament in Magdeburg on Wednesday.

He thus drew a conclusion on the results of the 16th parliamentary committee of inquiry, which has dealt with the Stendal postal vote affair in 31 meetings since 2017.

The committee uncovered errors, looking the other way, covering up and trying to downplay things in which "a number of CDU members" were involved, said Gallert.

However, it is not clear to what extent and from what point in time they were involved in criminal acts or whether they at least knew about it.

“But this committee of inquiry showed very clearly that criminal acts were motivated and made possible by the influence of CDU members.

And logically - nobody denies that - they were carried out exclusively for the benefit of CDU members. "

The thesis of the lone perpetrator has been refuted for him, summarized Gallert.

The problem for him is that the responsible institutions were not willing and able to recognize the events and take them seriously.


According to Gallert, the report of the committee of inquiry will be presented at the next parliamentary session.

However, it only contains a factual presentation.

The political groups represented in the committee could not have agreed on a joint assessment part.

That is why they each submitted their own special vote.

In the 2014 local elections, there were massive forgeries in Stendal.

An ex-city councilor was therefore sentenced to two and a half years in prison in 2017.

He had admitted that he had falsified postal voting powers and filled out other people’s election papers himself.

In November of last year, the Stendal district court sentenced the ex-city council and a long-time chairman of the local CDU to pay damages to the city for repeating the falsified election.

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