
US President Biden held a video conference with leading companies from around the world including Samsung Electronics related to semiconductors.

President Biden said China will not wait and will make aggressive investments in semiconductors and batteries.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung reports from Washington.


19 companies around the world were invited to the White House semiconductor video conference convened to respond to the global semiconductor chip shortage.

Among the consignment manufacturers of semiconductors, Samsung Electronics and TSMC in Taiwan attended, while Ford and GM from automobile companies, Google and AT&T from telecommunications companies came out.

US President Biden has pledged aggressive investments in semiconductors and batteries, referring directly to rival China.

[Biden/US President: China and other countries around the world are not waiting.

There is no reason for America to wait.

We are making aggressive investments in the semiconductor and battery sectors.]

Lifting semiconductor wafers, he emphasized that the United States will lead the world in the semiconductor sector to build infrastructure in the United States.

[Biden/US President: This chip is a wafer for batteries and Internet networks.

These are all infrastructure facilities.

We need to build today's infrastructure.]

Samsung Electronics is investing 20 trillion won to build an additional semiconductor plant and is considering Austin, Texas as a prime candidate.

Amid the fierce competition for semiconductor hegemony between the US and China, this meeting is also expected to intensify pressure from the US to demand investment in domestic facilities to contain China.