- It's awful.

An issue that must come to light, she says.

Marléne Lund Kopparklint wants to see a number of tightenings when it comes to sexual crimes.

For example, information about sexual abuse of children should not be removed from the criminal record after a number of years as today, she believes.

Last year, reports of sexual abuse and rape of children increased, both in the country and in the Bergslagen police region, which includes Värmland.

- I think that there should be unlimited resources when it comes to investigating these cases, she says.

She herself was abused

Marléne Lund Kopparklint herself has experience of being subjected to sexual abuse.

She has written about it in her book, but it is only now that she is able to tell about how the events were about to ruin her life.

- The man who would take care of me turned into a predator, she says.

Recently, she also raised the issue in a debate in the Riksdag.

In the video, Marléne Lund tells Kopparklint about how she was sexually abused as a child.