
After the CSU presidium unanimously voted for him as the Union's candidate for chancellor, party leader Markus Söder emphasized that on Monday there would be no decision between him and the CDU chairman Armin Laschet.

"We will have a result this week, but we still need it." There is still a need for discussion at the grassroots level.

However, he refused a member survey - there was no more time for that.

The Bavarian Prime Minister named the chances of the respective candidate as a central criterion: "The most important are the chances in the population." Surveys are a clear indication of what the population thinks.

He emphasized: "People play a central role, people draw the parties - not the other way around."


Söder pointed out the difficult situation of the Union several times: "It is about the central leadership role of the Union in the toughest election campaign since 1998. And it is no longer about who we govern with - but whether we govern."