
Myanmar military and police are using mortars and even grenade launchers against protesters.

More than 80 people were found to have died again.

Even so, the citizens of Myanmar are not giving up democracy, saying they have no weapons but are not afraid.

Reporter Kim Yong-cheol on the report.

<Reporter> This

is the Bago area near Yangon in Myanmar.

There was even a fire amid gunshots and binge drinking.

Mortars and grenade launchers were also mobilized to suppress the protesters from the night of the 8th to the dawn of the next day.

The Myanmar Human Rights Group Political Prison Support Alliance says 82 people were killed in the attack.

The number of victims was belatedly revealed by the military and police stacking up bodies and blocking the area.

[Richard Hoshi/Senior Adviser of International Crisis Group Myanmar: Myanmar's military behavior should be morally condemned and very dangerous.]

Myanmar's military arrests citizens day and night, and even mobilizes heavy weapons to fire.

On February 1, after the military took over the regime in a coup, more than 700 citizens have died so far.

[Myanmar citizen: I am not afraid.

There are no weapons, but it is not scary.

I will fight every day.]

[Myanmar teacher: I don't want to go back to the dark past.

We have lost our voices.

I have experienced democracy for only 10 years.]

Some protesters are fighting with the creation of priestly weapons or Molotov cocktails, and ethnic minority armed groups are attacking the military and police everywhere.

The pressure from the international community is increasing as the number of casualties increases, but the bloody suppression of the Myanmar military has not stopped.

(Video editing: Jeon Min-gyu)