• Controls throughout Italy, Nas seize 121 thousand Chinese anti-covid drugs

  • Nas checks in nursing homes: 61 complaints and 157 penalties


April 09, 2021A number of elderly people exceeding the number of beds, crowded into tight spaces.

Hygiene non-existent.

Not very personal and in some cases without qualifications.

No anti Covid rules.

These are the groups of abandonment discovered during the Easter holidays throughout Italy by the Nas of the Carabinieri in 337 facilities for the elderly.

For 56 social-health and hospitality structures, equal to 17% of those controlled, the list of irregularities is long.

The military, in agreement with the Ministry of Health, sifted through Rsa, retirement homes, community accommodation and family homes. 

16 criminal and 50 administrative sanctions, for lack of hygiene, structural and the lack of periodic sanitation for Covid.

Violations that led to the closure of 4 structures.

People were reported to families or other facilities.