
Let's take a look at the political movement after the 4·7 re-election.

Democratic leadership took responsibility for the election defeat and resigned.

The Democratic Party reorganized the party by forming a non-capital and advancing the schedule for the election of a new leadership.

Reporter Kang Cheong-wan reports.

<Reporter> The

leadership of the Democratic Party stood side by side with a sad expression.

He bowed 90 degrees to humbly accept the public sentiment.

After discussion, the leadership decided to resign.

[Kim Tae-nyeon/Deocratic Democratic Party Representative (Yesterday): The leader of the Democratic Party is responsible for the results of this election and all resign.]

Promises thorough reflection and innovation, saying that it will set up justice and justice within the party until it is said to be a citizen


I did.

The Democratic Party has set up an emergency countermeasure committee with Rep. Jong-hwan Do as its chairman, and decided to advance the national convention to elect a representative, the core of the formation of the new leadership, by one week and the next in-house presidential election by about a month.

The Cheong Wa Dae's accountability theory broke out at the conference held at the same time.

[Lee Sang-min/In addition, Democratic Party Member: Active communication and dialogue should take place, but there were a lot of things that didn't happen.

The Blue House also needs to look back on that point...

.] The

Democratic Party's non-Captain will hold a meeting in the morning of today (9th) and discuss plans for renewal within the party.

The democratic party's internal crisis consciousness has reached its peak, as the first Democratic Party members decided to hold an emergency meeting in the morning, and received the report card saying that the national election was defeated 11 months before the presidential election.