On April 8, local time, Moon Hyung-wook (screen name "godgod"), the founder of "Room N" in South Korea, was sentenced to 34 years in prison in the first instance for allegedly violating laws related to the protection of children and adolescents.

  On October 12, 2020, South Korean prosecutors asked the court to sentence Moon Hyung Wook to life imprisonment, and allowed him to wear electronic anklets and restrict employment.

The prosecution stated that Wen Hengxu committed crimes in a planned way in order to satisfy his own selfish desires, causing harm to many people, and therefore proposed the above-mentioned criminal liability.

  The "Room N" incident refers to a series of cyber crimes in South Korea.

According to media exposure, some people set up private paid chat groups on Telegram, an instant messaging platform, to share indecent photos of women, involving rape, serious insults to women, etc., with extremely cruel methods, including minors.

The incident caused an uproar.

(Produced by Lu Huiqian)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]