
Seoul Mayor's Election People's Power Candidate Se-hoon Oh 59% Democratic Candidate Park Young-sun 37.7%, and Oh Se-hoon are predicted to be the first.

This is Busan.

People's Strength Park Hyung-joon was 64% of candidates, and Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun was 33%.

Candidate Hyung-Jun Park, the power of the people, is the number one prediction.

We will once again summarize the results of the joint exit survey of the three broadcasting companies.

Power of the People Mayor Oh Se-hoon is 59%, and Park Young-sun is 37.7%.

Candidate Se-hoon Oh is predicted to be ahead by a 21.3 percentage point, as a result of the exit survey.

I am a candidate for the mayor of Busan.

The power of the people: 64% of candidate Park Hyung-jun and 33% of Democratic candidate Kim Young-chun.

Candidate Hyung-jun Park, the power of the people, is the number one predicted. 

A while ago, you checked the results of the exit survey of the three broadcasting companies.

I will organize it once again.

In the Seoul Mayor's election, it was predicted that Candidate Se-hoon Oh will win 59% and candidate Park Young-sun of the Democratic Party will win 37.7%.

In the Busan mayoral election, it was predicted that candidate Park Hyung-jun will win 64% of the people's power, and Democratic candidate Kim Young-chun will win 33%.

However, as I will tell you here, the exit survey was conducted only for those who voted today (7th), so the results of the pre-voting previously held last Friday and Saturday are not reflected here.

As you know, the pre-voting rate for this election was the highest in the history of re-election, so I will tell you in advance that the final counting result combined with the pre-voting may be slightly different from our exit survey results.

We continue to show the results of the exit survey for the mayor of Seoul and the Busan market.

Originally, I saw that Candidate Se-Hoon Oh is in the People's Power Company, and I will announce my original position. There was also such a story, but there has been no news yet.

We will check again as soon as the picture of the scene comes in.

Let’s take a look at the screen now.

This is the National Power Candidate Counting Situation Room.

When Candidate Se-Hoon Oh announced the results of the exit survey a while ago, he heard a lot of cheers and showed applause, but now he is watching the broadcast screen calmly.

At the bottom of the screen, we keep showing the results of the exit investigation.

In the Seoul Mayor's election, it was predicted that Candidate Se-hoon Oh will win 59% and Candidate Youngseon Park 37.7%.

Busan Mayoral Election Park Hyung-joon is 64% of the People's Strength candidate and Kim Young-chun is the Democratic Party candidate 33%.

Let's hear what Candidate Se-hoon Oh is talking about.

Because we will talk about it in a moment, the screen you are looking at is the situation room for the election camp for Candidate Se-hoon Oh prepared by the Central Party of the People's Power. 

After a while, if Candidate Se-Hoon Oh talks, we will try to connect the site again. Now, as you can see on the screen, we will check the results of the exit investigation.

People's Strength Candidate Se-hoon Oh was 59%, and Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun 37.7%.

In the Busan mayoral election, candidate Park Hyung-joon and Democratic candidate Kim Young-chun accounted for 33%.

Again, I would like to tell you again that the results of the exit survey are not reflected in the pre-voting because we only deal with those who voted today.

In the opinion poll of our three broadcasting companies, which was originally conducted just before the public opinion poll ban, it was predicted that there will be a difference of 20% points, but the results of the exit poll are now going out as we can see below the screen.

The Seoul Mayor's election, the power of the people, is 59% of the candidate Se-hoon Oh and 37.7% of the Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun.

Originally, Candidate Se-hoon Oh was planning to announce his position immediately after seeing the announcement of the results of the exit survey, but Candidate Se-hoon Oh is preparing now at the scene.

[Se-Hoon Oh/People's Power Candidate Mayor of Seoul: Thank you very much, Seoul citizens.

thank you.

Of course, I have to clarify my resolution, but it is not the final result, but the result of the exit investigation, not the confirmation of the election, so it seems that it is not the reason to give a little impression.

I'll look at it a little bit more and tell you after the results come out.

First of all, I really appreciate the voters who supported and supported me so that I could watch with anticipation.

thank you.]