Getting an ideal weight is a dream for many, and companies and factories see an ideal goal to attract consumers for their goods, and with the diversity of sources, information and programs for diet, some people fall into the trap of random selection of essential information on the diet system, which in turn hinders achieving the desired results despite what it appears to be a health system strict.

The error lies in small details that may make these diets cause, after a medium-term, an increase in weight or its stability for a long time as a result of practicing common mistakes.

We summarize the following: the most prominent errors in the systems that negatively affect the diet.

Deceptive diet products

Some products that are on the healthy or low-fat food lists contain marketing tricks that cause appetite or weight gain, they can be low in fat, but high in sugar and calories, so low-fat yogurt contains between 17 to 33 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving. , Which is the equivalent of the sugar in a full cup of chocolate ice cream.

Energy drinks that many dieters use contain about 25 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving, and this includes many products that fall under the list of low-fat foods such as breakfast cereals, coffee and milk drinks, salad dressings, mayonnaise and ketchup, and they do not only contain sugar. But it also contributes to opening the appetite.

Salad dressing contains sugar and contributes to opening the appetite (pixels)

Hidden sugar

Many stock mixes and ready-made sauces contain between 6 and 12 grams of sugar in half a cup, which is the same percentage you'd get from a creamy chocolate cake.

While the American Heart Association recommended that women consume 6 tablespoons of sugar a day, it recommends that men do not exceed the daily sugar quota of 9 tablespoons in all meals, so the sugar content in all broth and sauce products should be checked before use.

Granola bars contain about 8 to 12 grams per serving, and granola is often used in healthy diets as an alternative to desserts, as it is made from whole grains and oats.

Oatmeal itself contains between 10 and 15 grams of sugar per serving, and breakfast cereals contain between 10 and 20 grams of sugar.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting programs are considered by many to be a panacea for rapid weight loss, but there is a big difference between intermittent fasting that is common among social media users and the fasting mentioned in health sites.

The fasting system is known in the majority of scientific research as being fasting from food only while continuing to drink water throughout the hours of intermittent fasting.

Some programs even allow you to drink calorie-free caffeine, tea and herbs.

Some of them make a false comparison between dry (Islamic) fasting - which does not include eating food, drinks and water throughout the hours of fasting - and intermittent fasting. Hours of breakfast, as for intermittent fasting, it extends from 16 continuous hours to several days and weeks without eating at all.

Intermittent fasting causes a decrease in the burn rates in the body due to the body's transition from a state of losing weight to a state known scientifically as starvation.

This situation causes the body to need to provide large amounts of energy, and as a consequence, the metabolism process is very slow. Not only that, when the diet ends and the fasting person returns to the usual diet, the body tends to gain weight quickly during the transition and return from the state of starvation for the sake of Compensate for lost minerals and fats.

Others who practice this diet feel that it is ideal, as a person feels that his appetite is suppressed and feelings of hunger are reduced.

Therefore, intermittent fasting is considered safe in short periods of time that do not exceed a few days, provided that abstinence from drinking liquids is left during fasting.

Before following this diet, you have to ask a nutritionist to design a plan for an appropriate healthy food program that contains adequate food calories without exceeding the minimum calorie content, and to obtain the full benefits of fasting and weight reduction, but with a tight plan.

Many stock mixes and ready-made sauces contain between 6 and 12 grams of sugar per half cup (Pixabay).

Low calories

The pyramid of calories or banning fats or carbohydrates is the quick solution for many people to lose weight, but following these diets may not lead to health problems, especially if they are followed for short periods.

In the long term, eating less than 1500 calories per day, especially if the body mass is between 27 to 30, should be under integrated medical supervision.

Following these regimens for a period of more than 4 weeks has side effects on the body that begin with fatigue and disturbances in the digestive system, and it may cause the owner of the diet to be exposed to gallbladder infections or an increase in cholesterol as a result of bile secretions, and therefore an integrated diet should be followed under medical supervision to avoid these symptoms.