Since the beginning of the health crisis of the Corona pandemic, the mental health of young people has significantly deteriorated, mainly related to isolation, distance learning and instability.

In a report published by the French magazine "santemagazine", the psychologist, Audrey Le Merer, shed light on the most prominent psychological problems faced by young people during the Corona pandemic.

Lack of physical activity

Le Merrer believes that the requirements of remote study, the large amount of time young people spend in their rooms, the lack of physical activity, and the absence of social interaction are all reasons that make it difficult for them to focus on their studies.

Many of them also feel that education has lost its meaning and fear for their future.

The specialist explained that there are a number of other reasons that generate a feeling of depression in young people, which prompts many of them to seek psychological help.

More than 70% of young people between the ages of 24 and 34 suffer from sleep disorders (communication sites)

For example, health workers suffer from sleep disturbances, and according to the National Public Health Survey (CoviPrev) in France, which was conducted last year, more than 70% of young people between the ages of 24 and 34 suffer from sleep disturbances. It may result in dangerous health consequences.

These disturbances are linked to workload and curfew measures that prevent them from going out for exercise outside office hours.

Distance from others and feeling lonely are factors that make the situation more difficult for young people (Getty Images)


According to psychologist Le Merrer, being away from others and feeling lonely is one of the factors that make the situation more difficult for young people, as they are forced to stay alone for long hours in front of computers.

In fact, student life is usually characterized by constant contact with others, but the health crisis has paralyzed the youth movement and impeded their social development.

Young people who seek psychological help are still in short supply (Getty Images)

France is ringing the alarm

Le Merer believes that the issue of youth mental health during the pandemic has not yet received sufficient attention. With the onset of the health crisis, it was believed that this group was less "vulnerable" than others, but with the development of the pandemic, mental health problems for adolescents and youth became a source of concern to the authorities The data indicate a marked deterioration month after month.

The psychologist confirms that there are still a few young people who resort to seeking psychological help.

In France, there is currently one psychiatrist for every 30,000 students.