The spirit of poverty alleviation of "concentricity, dedication, precision and pragmatism, pioneering and innovative, overcoming difficulties, and living up to the people" is a vivid portrayal of the nature and purpose of the Communist Party of China, the will of the Chinese people, and the spirit of the Chinese nation.

For colleges and universities, the spirit of poverty alleviation is an important resource for ideological and political education in colleges and universities.

We should focus on the theme of establishing morality and fostering people, and integrate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the whole process of ideological and political education.

Carrying forward the spirit of poverty alleviation, we must fully grasp the theme of "Lide and foster people"

  The spirit of poverty alleviation provides a wealth of spiritual nourishment for colleges and universities to carry out ideological and political education and cultivate newcomers of the times. It contains unity and great strength from top and bottom, high morale to fight, precise and pragmatic scientific attitude, pioneering and innovative enterprising character, and tackling toughness. Difficult tenacity and living up to the noble feelings of the people are the spiritual qualities that contemporary young students should possess.

  Many vivid stories containing the spirit of poverty alleviation have added many persuasive cases to the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities. They are also closely related to the "curriculum ideological and political" of multiple courses, and they can better understand the strength of the party for young students. Leadership and the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics are of great significance in handling the relationship between the "personal self" and the "big self".

Incorporating the spirit of poverty alleviation into social practice activities will help young students enhance their sense of innovation, enhance their ability to innovate, and further understand the relationship between self-worth and social value in practice.

  Standing at the height of cultivating people, we should integrate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the education of ideals and beliefs, make full use of the vivid deeds of poverty alleviation to guide and motivate young students, always adhere to the core values ​​of socialism, and integrate personal development into the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the great cause, the Chinese dream of realizing the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness is combined with the personal dream of self-growth and development.

Actively explore effective ways for the spirit of poverty alleviation to be integrated into ideological and political education in colleges and universities

  Incorporate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the whole process of young students' growth and development.

Fully grasp the growth law of young students, promote the development of the spirit of poverty alleviation, integrate it into undergraduate and postgraduate education, and run through the whole process of young students' growth and development, so that the spirit of poverty alleviation truly becomes the common value pursuit and code of conduct of young students. Better implement the educational mission of Lide Shuren.

  Incorporate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the whole process of ideological and political theory teaching.

Ideological and political courses are the main channel of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It should combine the characteristics of each course and integrate the fresh materials from poverty alleviation into the course teaching.

Use Marxist theory to help students deeply understand the connotation and value of the spirit of poverty alleviation from multiple perspectives.

Combining poverty alleviation models and advanced personal deeds to guide students to practice the poverty alleviation spirit, enhance the appeal, appeal and persuasiveness of educating people.

  Incorporate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the whole process of coordinating education with other courses.

The basic courses and professional courses of colleges and universities should also integrate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the course teaching, realize the course of ideological and political and ideological and political courses in the same direction, and give play to the effect of collaborative education.

Identify the "ideological and political entry point" of the spirit of poverty alleviation, adopt a variety of effective teaching methods such as case, discussion, integration, and situational teaching, and infiltrate the spirit of poverty alleviation into curriculum teaching to achieve "moisturizing and silent" effect.

  Incorporate the spirit of poverty alleviation into the whole field of college education.

Colleges and universities should broaden the second classroom education platform, make full use of lectures, forums, and report meetings, invite experts to interpret the spirit of poverty alleviation for students, and support student theory clubs to carry out research and presentations on the spirit of poverty alleviation.

Actively organize young students to participate in rural revitalization, help rural revitalization, send science and technology and services to the countryside, write papers on the land of the motherland, and let youth bloom in the harvest fields.

  Zhang Lei

  (This article is a special project of the National Social Science Fund Project of the University's Ideological and Political Courses "Research on the Construction Path of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era of Internationalization" (19VSZ125)

  (Author's unit: School of Marxism, Beijing Institute of Technology)