Some people show the first signs of graying at an early age, so why do some people's hair gray early?

And what can be done to avoid its appearance at the age of thirty?

Gray hair is a sign of aging, but its appearance at a young age surprises both sexes, and it may be considered a nightmare.

But why does some people show gray hair at an earlier age than others?

How does gray hair happen?

Age is the first and main cause of graying, as the body produces less melanin, which is the substance responsible for giving hair color.

With age, cells in the hair stop forming and synthesizing melanin, thus reducing the color of the hair, and it becomes white.

At first few hairs are stained gray or white, and they will grow over time.

Usually the temples are grayed more than others, as is the beard in men, because the hair in these areas is shorter and falls out more quickly, according to what was reported by Deutsche Welle, from the German website "Ponte".

Why do some people start graying so early?

  • Genes.

    When a person will turn gray, and whether or not they will be, is largely a matter of genetics.

    If your parents and grandparents were young in old age, it is very likely that you will have gray hair at a later age.

  • Hormonal diseases.

  • Extreme lack of nutrients.

  • Psychological stress, tension and stress, as stress causes the stem cells responsible for hair color to shrink, and this explains the relationship between psychological stress and the high rate of gray hair.

Can premature graying be prevented?

It is not possible to prevent graying at all, but you can do the following:

  • Treating hormonal disorders.

  • Get a healthy, balanced diet that provides all nutrients, and a balanced diet rich in vitamins and folic acid can help maintain natural hair color for the longest possible time.

  • Reducing psychological stress.