From the first day of the new year, the work style system and social security benefits and burdens will be changed.

70-year-old employment

The Elderly Employment System begins efforts to enable those who wish to continue working until the age of 70.

Companies discuss with employees,

▽ abolish

the retirement age,

extend the retirement age until the age of 70


introduce a reemployment system,

▽ conclude a business consignment contract with a person who starts a business or becomes a freelancer,

▽ NPO etc.

It is an obligation to make efforts to secure employment opportunities by taking

one of the five

measures to

enable employees to engage in social contribution projects


Equal pay for equal work

In addition, "equal pay for equal work", which pays the same level of wages for the same work, is also applied to small and medium-sized enterprises in order to correct the disparity in treatment between regular employees and non-regular employees.

Based on the work style reform related law passed in 2018, it was introduced in large companies from April last year, and it is unreasonable treatment such as basic salary and bonuses between regular employees and non-regular workers such as part-time workers and contract employees. In addition to prohibiting differences, if there is a difference in treatment, it is obligatory to explain the reason to non-regular workers.


The amount of pension payment will be reduced by 0.1% from the previous year for the first time in four years due to the decrease in the wage level of the working generation.

The monthly payment is

65,075 yen, which is 66 yen less than the previous year when the national pension is full, and 224,96 yen,

which is 228 yen less for a standard household with two couples.

Long-term care insurance premium

The long-term care insurance premiums paid by people aged 65 and over will also be revised from this month due to a three-year review by each local government.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the national average monthly insurance premium was 5,869 yen, but many local governments are expected to raise the price as the number of elderly people in need of long-term care continues to increase.