What happens to your body when you stop eating white sugar, added sugar and white bread?

What are the negatives of these foods?

On the other hand, what cases might white bread suit more?

The answer is here.

Sugar consumption has risen steadily during the lockdown imposed by the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, but much of it is hidden in foods that are not sweet.

First, we learn about the benefits of stopping white sugar and white bread, and then we will go to the details.

This is what will happen to your body when you stop white sugar and white bread:

  • Reducing the risk of tooth decay.

  • You will lose weight if you stop sugar and white bread, as long as you don't make up for what you have reduced by eating other foods.

  • It may help reduce the levels of inflammation in your body.

  • Bowel movement will improve, if you stop white bread and start eating wholemeal bread and vegetables.

 The dangers of sugar

In the report published by the British newspaper "The Telegraph", writer Lauren Liebert said that many scientists believe that added sugar is the main reason for the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity.

Even if you think you are eating healthy food that does not contain a lot of sugar, or if your diet includes bread, snacks, cereals, yogurt, or anything that is primarily prepackaged and manufactured, the chances of you gaining excess weight remain.

According to the British government recommendations, it is advised that free sugars, which are added to foods or drinks, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, juices, fruit juices, unsweetened vegetables, and smoothies, should not constitute more than 5% of the energy you get from food and drink daily. And adults should not eat more than 30 grams of sugar a day.

What is sugar?

Sugar is a name given to many substances that belong to the carbohydrate family that have a sweet taste, and sugars can be divided in terms of their chemical composition into two main groups:

Monosaccharides, including:

  • Glucose, which is a sugar that is found in the bloodstream and taken by cells to carry out their functions and tasks, and when it rises above the normal limits in the body, its owner is diagnosed with diabetes.

  • Fructose, or what is known as fructose, is found in fruits and honey.

  • Galactose, which is found in dairy products.

Disaccharides, which are made of two monosaccharides, and include:

  • Sucrose, or what is known as table sugar or white sugar, is a component of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule.

  • Maltose, also known as malt sugar, is made of two glucose molecules.

  • Lactose, or milk sugar, is made up of a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule.

  • Brown sugar, which is a table sugar "sucrose", but molasses was added to it, so it became brown in color and has a more moist texture. It is not a diet sugar and is not suitable for diabetics, and it does not contain dietary fibers, and its harms are similar to that of white sugar and other types of sugars.

"It's very easy to eat 30 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar before leaving the house," says Sarah Flower, a nutritionist and author of 22 books, including "Eating to Beat Type 2 Diabetes" and "The Sugar Free Family Cookbook". In the morning, breakfast cereals, toast, jam, low-fat yogurt, fruit juices and juices contain sugar. "

In fact, there is no nutritional need for sugar at all, as Flower says, "Sugar does not contain any nutrients, but it may be very harmful to our health, which leads to weakening insulin resistance and infection of the body, which are associated with type 2 diabetes, obesity and diseases." Heart and others. "

For those who argue that sugar is a natural food found in fruits in the form of fructose, and therefore it is good for us, there is an important difference that we should pay attention to.

"Eating a whole fruit means that you also eat some fiber, which slows down the process of fructose digestion and the rate at which it enters the bloodstream, so this remains the best way to eat the fruit," says Flower.

But the fructose found in ultra-processed foods, such as high fructose corn syrup and concentrated fruits, has a lot of fiber and nutrients removed.

"Now processed fructose is one of the most harmful forms of sugar, and it is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and heart disease," says Flower.

Moreover, fructose interferes with the response of leptin, which is a natural appetite suppressant in the body.

And when the brain stops receiving a message to stop eating, it causes more visceral fat to accumulate around your vital organs.

The author stated that the best solution to eliminating sugar from your diet is to look at the food labels.

And Gabrielle notes that there are many names that sugar manufacturers use to hide it from consumers.

Among these names: honey, molasses, corn syrup, maltose, etc.

The higher the ingredient list, the higher the amount of sugar, so look for these different types of sugars on the label because you may not be able to recognize them right away.

In addition, Gabrielle cautions that “Having a label stating that a product is sugar-free does not mean that it is sugar-free. This could simply mean that the manufacturer has not added sugar but can sweeten the product with a whole host of other sugars such as honey and juice, or The product may contain completely soaked dried fruits.

"We consume between 3 and 4 times the recommended amount of sugar," says trainer and nutritionist Harley Pasternak. "If you want to reduce the amount of sugar you eat, you need to know how much you actually eat and what sugars you eat in excess, then reduce the presence of these foods in Your home and remove food that contains high sugar from your kitchen. "

"Then you should focus on what you should and should not eat and what you should not eat. Every meal should contain protein, fiber and healthy fats to ensure that the blood sugar level is stable."

Gabriel supports this strategy, saying, "Sugar does not give you any feeling of fullness at all, and you can eat too much sugar and still be hungry. But the proteins in foods like chicken, lean red meat, beans, legumes, eggs, and healthy fats, like avocados, nuts and seeds." It will give you a feeling of satiety, so you will end up eating much less sugar. "

How about white bread?

According to what some say, white bread has no taste, and this is what makes many people love it because it does not prevent you from enjoying the taste of meat, soup or cheese that you eat with it.

But compared to wholegrain flour products, white bread does not make food taste better, according to the American website BrightSide.

Whole grain bread contains more fiber than white bread, which is beneficial for gut and digestive health.

According to Bright Side, for many people, overweight and obesity are the number one reason to stop eating foods that contain refined flour.

More than 70% of people who stop eating white bread lose weight within the first two weeks.

The site adds that the effect of white bread is similar to the effect of drugs, as white flour causes a high blood sugar level, and as a result, the level of insulin rises.

When you eat a slice of white bread, your blood sugar rises quickly, but quickly drops, making you feel hungry quickly and want to eat more fast-absorbing carbohydrates.

What is the correct daily amount of bread?

According to the German Nutrition Association, a healthy daily bread intake is between 200 and 300 grams.

The association added that it is best to eat wholegrain bread, as it is low in calories on the one hand and rich in dietary fiber, which has great health benefits, on the other hand.

Dietary fiber helps you feel full quickly, and it also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders, large intestine cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, the association indicated that white bread made from wheat flour suffers from a bad reputation because it causes obesity, but it also enjoys health benefits in some cases of disease.

The association explained that white bread is better for the stomach after surgeries and after stomach flu or chronic inflammations of the intestine, as the stomach in these cases tolerates it better compared to wholegrain bread.