The UN Security Council has released the latest report summarizing the implementation of sanctions on North Korea, and it is necessary for each country to steadily implement sanctions, saying that "North Korea is modernizing ballistic missiles." It is said.

This report, appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, summarizes the implementation status of sanctions based on Security Council resolutions from an independent standpoint and submits it to the Security Council's North Korean Sanctions Committee every year.

The Security Council released its latest report on March 31, pointing out that "North Korea is modernizing ballistic missiles."

As a concrete example, he mentioned that a new short-range ballistic missile was unveiled at a military parade held by North Korea in January. "It was confirmed that North Korea is improving its nuclear carrying capacity. ".

North Korea launched a missile on the 25th of last month, and media in each country said that it is likely that the new missile was unveiled at the military parade, according to experts.

The report also points out that North Korea is seeking cooperation with foreign countries in technical cooperation and parts procurement in order to improve the ballistic missile system, and it is necessary for each country to steadily implement sanctions. It is said.