The gene that has been identified is found in all mammals, including humans.

RORB as the gene is called is critical for rabbits' ability to jump evenly, and it affects the spinal cord that coordinates the front and hind legs of the rabbit.

The rabbit seen in the clip above thus lacks this gene and can therefore not jump like most rabbits.

The gene also affects the retina.

The rabbits are also blind

- RORB affects the spinal cord and retina so the rabbits that lack the gene are also blind, says Leif Andersson.

The absence of the gene is very unusual and is found in a special type of rabbit.

It must have arisen through a mutation and the phenomenon of rabbits walking on the front legs is documented as far back as 1935. But it is only now that one understands why they do it.

- This has contributed to increasing knowledge about how the spinal cord affects different limbs, says Leif Andersson.