Guest Sunday of the "Great meeting Europe 1 / Les Echo / CNews", the president of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand lambasted the Unef and the single-sex racialized meetings organized occasionally within it.

According to the candidate for the next presidential election, the student union "should no longer have public funding". 


While the UNEF is still mired in the controversy around single-sex racialized meetings organized occasionally within it, the subject continues to divide the political class.

Invited Sunday of the Great meeting Europe 1 / Les Echos / Cnews, the president of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand lambasted the student union, and goes so far as to question its public funding.

"The UNEF should no longer have public funding, should not sit in public institutions," said the candidate for the next presidential election.

"I myself wrote to my prefect to ask him that the place of UNEF within the Regional Economic and Social Council is no longer obvious. I expect the government to say the same thing", continues the old LR.  

"France is not a racist country"

More generally, Xavier Bertrand denounces "racialist theses" and what he calls "the cancel culture".

"Those who propagate this culture and use these racialist theses lead an ideological fight and a frontal attack against the values ​​of France", he judges.

And to continue: "I've had enough. That's enough! France is not a racist country, not a country of injustice". 

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