There are some foods that do not expire or do not spoil over time, as long as we keep them in appropriate conditions, and at the same time confer great health benefits for your body, so what are they?

According to the American Step to Health website, we always look for the expiration date fixed on foods so that they last longer and we do not end up disposing of them.

Consumption of old products can negatively affect their taste properties.

However, the most dangerous thing is that the food itself may develop microorganisms that could endanger the consumer's health.

 What foods do not expire?

All perishable foods should have an expiration date, but few products will remain in good condition even after that date.

And there are old foods that you can eat because they actually take years before they spoil.

The expiration date refers to highly perishable products that have microbiological risks, such as raw and cooked meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.

Once these products have passed their expiration date, you should not consume them.

Poor or spoiled foods can pose health risks and can even contain harmful bacteria.

Instead, products with a longer lifespan have a history of consumption.

Once this date has passed, it is possible that the products have lost part of their properties;

They may taste moldy and change smell and feel, but they do not contain microbiological hazards.

However, there are some foods that we can preserve for a long time, as long as we save them in a correct way, and they are:

1- Olive oil

This food does not expire.

We can keep it for 2 or 3 years in a dry place, but it may lose its flavor properties.

2- Honey

Honey is the only food that really lasts forever, thanks to the bees making a product rich in acid and less moisture.

After some time, the honey can become somewhat solid, but this does not affect its quality or safety.

3- Coffee

Coffee is usually ground and packed in opaque bags in order to last longer, that is, for months or even years after its expiration date.

However, you should keep it away from sunlight and moisture, and not keep it in the refrigerator as it may lose its scent.

4- Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural preservative that we can preserve for a long time due to its natural acid.

It also helps preserve other foods.

5- Spices

To make sure the spices last longer, you should keep them in airtight crystal jars.

However, it is not a good idea to hold them for long because they lose their aroma and flavor.

6- Dry beans

Dry pulses can have an indefinite lifespan and this is due to the drying process they go through, as they lose water.

However, it can harden over time, in which case, you will simply have to cook it longer.

7- Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can last a long time, as long as you keep it in a dry place and haven't exposed it to changes in temperature.

Dark chocolate is beneficial because it contains bioactive ingredients such as "flavonoids" that protect your heart.

You can eat dark chocolate as part of a healthy and varied diet. You can also consume an ounce (28 grams) of dark chocolate regularly without any problems, as long as you choose varieties that contain more than 80% pure chocolate.