The military drone arena is increasingly broad

"It seems to be everywhere"

  From special reconnaissance to detection and combat, from individual power to group attacks, from remote control to autonomous flight, from order to autonomous decision-making... Since the day the drone entered the military field, its family has been like a legend. "Resist the soil", the wind will grow.

  Nowadays, military drones are in more and more fields, and their status is becoming more and more important.

From the perspective of the reconnaissance platform alone, there are now both mid-to-high altitude and long-endurance drones that can soar for nine days and bird’s eye view of the earth, as well as “chariot companions” that can hover in the air and transmit relevant information in real time. Acting as the eyes and ears of soldiers at high altitudes, and providing information on the battlefield environment, "the treasure of the individual soldier.

In other respects, the stage for military drones is also growing.

Some military fans even exclaimed: "It seems to be everywhere."

  This trend is in the ascendant.

To a certain extent, military drones are becoming a rare "variable god" in the weaponry industry, and they are showing some new development trends and characteristics.

  To achieve "cross-border" development.

Not long ago, a few foreign companies have tested the anti-submarine military's large fixed-wing UAVs.

This marks a new expansion in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, beginning to evolve from detecting and attacking land targets to acting as anti-submarine equipment.

Prior to this, some countries have put forward ideas and tried to develop submarine-launched drones to improve the reconnaissance and perception capabilities of submarines in underwater navigation against enemy submarines.

Strictly speaking, this "transformation" is not "cross-border", just like some bullets combined with medicines or injections can be used to heal the wounded on the battlefield, and some shells can be used to detect the damage effect of the battlefield after adding cameras or sensors. Similarly, military drones "reach out to the submarine in the sea" are also based on the further exploration and release of its potential.

  Make deeper collaborations with other platforms.

The technology for drones to be used as an integrated platform for inspection and combat has been relatively mature.

At present, the development of drones is showing a trend of further integration with other platforms.

For example, its effective integration with manned machines, including acting as a "loyal wingman" for manned machines, has become a goal that all countries are striving to pursue and strive to achieve.

With the introduction of some new combat concepts, military drones may also have a relationship with some merchant ships during wartime, using container-style equipment as a storage, transportation and launch platform to achieve the purpose of sudden launch from merchant ships and greatly enhanced firepower. .

With the help of artificial intelligence and other technologies, we strive to realize the autonomous networking, decision-making and launching of attacks by the UAV group as soon as possible, which has also been listed as an important development goal by some countries.

  Become a more important ammunition projection platform.

For the surveillance and attack UAV, projecting ammunition and launching an attack are the basic capabilities.

Out of various considerations, some countries are breaking the traditional positioning of military drones and trying to make them have the ability to launch air-to-air missiles and other more powerful ammunition.

If this intention is realized, the UAV will in fact become a launch platform for air-to-air missiles.

  Not long ago, the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded some companies the first phase of the Longshot project.

The core of the project is to build an unmanned aerial vehicle platform that can carry and launch air-to-air missiles.

In combat, the platform can be transported by a manned aircraft over a long distance, projected outside the opponent's defense zone, and then the UAV platform will carry air-to-air missiles to a predetermined area and launch the missiles to attack.

In this way, the risk of manned aircraft can be reduced, and the drone platform can also be used to launch the missile closer to the target, and it can ensure that the missile is full of energy in the terminal flight and shorten the opponent's reaction time.

  Wang Xiaoxuan Wang Qisong