China News Service, March 26, reported that the Indian authorities said on the 26th that a fire broke out in a shopping mall where a hospital in Mumbai treats patients with new crowns, which has caused 10 deaths.

  According to the Indian media New Delhi Television (NDTV), this hospital for the treatment of COVID-19 patients is located on the third floor of the incident mall.

After the fire in the mall, about 70 patients were moved to safety.

  At present, the authorities have found 10 bodies.

"Central News Agency" reported that it is not clear whether there were any new coronary patients among the victims.

  Local civil defense officials said that they are investigating the cause of the fire.

  In January and February 2021, India’s increasing number of confirmed cases fell below 10,000. However, with the gradual restart of economic activities and the slackening of public epidemic prevention, the recent epidemic has rebounded and the number of confirmed cases has increased rapidly.

According to data released by the Ministry of Health of India, as of March 26, India has added 59,118 confirmed cases, the highest number in a single day since October 18, 2020, with a cumulative number of more than 11.8 million cases.