A few days ago in China, a driver in his 40s who was caught in a traffic control was arrested for sprinkling nails on the road.


Click> The third search term is'Can't sprinkle anger'.

A road in Shanghai, China on the 21st.

While the cars are running, a man sprays something on the floor.

It is the pointed nails that take out one fist from the box and scatter them.

They don't care about the traffic police's restraint and sprinkle all the nails in the box.

This man was caught by a policeman who was carrying out traffic control while illegally loading things, and he got a penalty ticket, but he couldn't stand his anger and carried out a box of nails in his car and started a riot.

Only other innocent drivers had to suffer the discomfort, and this man who sprinkled nails in vain even if the police were curled up was eventually detained.

Netizens responded, "How can I raise the work that would have been done if I paid the penalty...", "No matter how angry I am, this is not it. Even if it is a sitcom, I will believe it!"

(Screen source: YouTube Sohu.com)