Some describe those who can hear the subtlest and fainter sounds as hearing "ant grapes";

But what if this feature worsens your mood, and may ruin your life, just be overhearing, which is both intense noise and isolation, and "post-crisis disorder" is one of the main causes.

Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that makes everyday sounds difficult to deal with. It may be called “sound sensitivity” or noise, and it means that some sounds seem unbearably loud even though the people around you do not notice them.

Hyper hearing affects one out of every 50,000 people in the world, and most people with it also suffer from another condition called "tinnitus". Some people may not discover this problem in them until after years of suffering, especially since they do not face other problems related to hearing. .

Hearing impairment affects daily life, pushing a person back into social isolation.

To avoid conversations that may seem overly loud and are more prone to depression, anxiety, earache, and communication problems.

Therefore, months of isolation during the Corona pandemic may increase hearing sensitivity for some, because they are not accustomed to hearing the usual daily noise.

Sounds disturbing in people with hearing sensitivity disorder include home appliances.

Such as the sound of the refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, car engine, loud conversations, and the running tap, and a person may hear faint voices much higher than others, which explains for some their ability to hear faint side conversations or sounds from neighboring rooms.

While some are moderately disturbed by the previous voices;

Others, however, experience severe symptoms such as loss of balance or severe tantrums.

Mesophonia is dislike of a certain sound or sounds that may seem provocative;

But it isn't painful (Shutterstock)

The differences between hyper hearing and misophony

Mesophonia is dislike of a certain sound or sounds that may seem provocative;

But it is not painful.

Researchers believe it develops between ages 9 to 13, and is more common in females.

And people may experience severe discomfort from the sound of chewing or clicking.

For those with mesophony, these sounds can make them extremely angry or anxious.

While misophony causes an emotional response of discomfort and distress, hyperhiaxia causes physical pain in the ears.

The degree of pain depends on the volume of the voice;

So loud sounds will trigger a more painful reaction, and the pain can appear as pressure or a loud ringing in the ears.

And unlike mesophony, hyper hearing usually accompanies a person for long periods until gradually training in the habit of receiving different pitches of sound.

Causes of hypersensitivity

The ear recognizes sounds in the form of vibrations;

However, people who suffer from hearing loss feel these vibrations more, so even if you receive the same signals as another person, your brain reacts to them differently, which causes severe discomfort and a loss of control of balance.

People are not usually born with severe hearing loss.

But it usually results from certain diseases or health problems.

The most common of them are:

Injury to car accidents resulting from hitting an Airbag.

Damage to one or both ears due to medication or toxins.

A viral infection affecting the inner ear or the facial nerve (hemiplegia).

TMJ disorder.

Lyme disease.


Certain types of epilepsy.

Chronic fatigue syndrome.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).



Jaw or face surgery.

Severe isolation for long periods may cause severe hearing disturbance, which means that some people need to be trained to receive sounds of various degrees.

But naturally.

Severe isolation for long periods may cause severe hearing, and training in receiving sounds of various degrees is required (Shutterstock)

Home remedies

Treatment depends on the cause of the problem.

In some cases, such as injuries to the brain or ear, the sensitivity of the voice may improve on its own.

If not, the doctor may suggest something called "voice desensitization."

You work with a professional to help you learn how to deal with sound, so you hear very quiet sounds for a certain period each day, and they gradually increase to louder sounds.

Most of the time, you will wear a device on your affected ear, or both ears, which will make a silent sound;

So it shouldn't bother you or cause you pain.

It may take 6 months to a year or longer to fully benefit from the treatment.