It was by a broad majority that the proposal that the learning board's savings of SEK 26 million should be reduced to SEK 16 million was passed.

The money will come from an additional budget that the municipal board hopes the council will approve.

- It's all about how to prioritize, says the municipal board chairman Christina Davidsson (C), to SVT Nyheter Småland.

Today's decision is completely in accordance with the proposal that C and KD presented already in January at a meeting of the learning committee.

But at that time, it was instead M and L who got a hearing for their budget proposal where the move from the high school in Alsterbro to Madesjö was one of many parts.

C also wants to save

In their budget, C and KD are also behind a number of savings within the learning committee, but the part that deals with upper secondary school in Alsterbro, they have never advocated.

But how are you going to get money in the future for this when you do not have a government grant due to the pandemic to put in?

- I am convinced that it is possible to redistribute within the total budget of 1.3 billion so that we can keep the only high school outside the urban area, says Christina Davidsson to SVT Nyheter Småland.

The proposal to close the high school in Alsterbro has been much debated and, among other things, signatures have been collected in protest.