Self-sampling for covid-19 is now available in 19 of the country's 21 regions, but how you can get there differs greatly between the regions.

Region Blekinge is one of the regions where you can only drive to the self-sampling site by car, due to infection safety and because it is safer, the region states.

A car is also required in Region Gotland.

On 1177, the region writes "to reduce the spread of infection, you must visit the sampling site by car" and Region Värmland refers to the fact that there is no special place for pedestrians and cyclists and that "it is potentially infectious people who test themselves and they should not stay in closeness to other people. ”

Want to allow cycling and walking

But there are also regions that want to introduce the possibility of cycling and going to self-sampling.

This includes the Dalarna Region, which states that it has long wanted to introduce it but that it has perceived that it was not compatible with the agreement that the Public Health Agency has with the supplier.

Among the regions that allow cycling and walking, however, are both regions that have self-sampling under their own auspices and regions that cooperate with the same company as Dalarna.

In February, the Swedish Public Health Agency signed a new agreement which will now clarify that self-sampling is possible for cyclists and pedestrians.

It is up to each region to decide whether to introduce it.

Home delivery in some regions

In the regions where cycling and walking are not allowed, four of them have the opportunity to do self-tests through home delivery.

In the rest, you can ask a healthy person to pick up the test kit for you.

It may also be possible to go to a health center where medical staff do the test on one.

In Region Kalmar, anyone who is going to try themselves can never pick up the test kit, but you must ask a healthy person to be an agent and pick it up.

Halland is one of the regions where you can cycle and walk to self-sampling.

Follow and see how it works at the sampling station there - and hear why you do not see it as a major risk of infection, in the clip above.