Let the green spread on the ground (say)

  The green of the future needs to be planted by us today.

When the green spreads on the earth, the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains also takes root in our hearts.

  In the hit drama "Mountain and Sea", the harsh ecological environment on the Gobi Desert is daunting. Grassroots cadres, Ma Defu, appeased the villagers: "If more trees are planted in the future, the ecology will change."

  Afforestation and greening is a career that has merits in the present and will benefit the future.

Forests can prevent wind and sand, conserve water and soil, conserve water, and provide a living space for many species, which is conducive to the protection of biodiversity.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in Yulin, Shaanxi, Youyu, Shanxi, and Dongshan, Fujian, generations of people have relied on planting trees to block the invasion of sandstorms and have won space for survival; in Lijiang, Yunnan, Dingxi, Gansu, and Changting, Fujian, they planted trees one after another. Controlling soil erosion and optimizing the ecological environment.

  In fact, the significance of afforestation is much more than that.

Forest ecosystems are the largest carbon storage on land. Plants store carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Over the years, my country has continuously adjusted and optimized its industrial structure and energy structure on the one hand, and on the other hand insisted on planting afforestation and protecting forest resources to improve carbon sequestration capacity. In 2019, it achieved the carbon emission intensity reduction proposed in 2015 by 40% to 45. %The goal.

The trees planted by Ma Defu on the Gobi Desert not only sheltered the wind and sand, but also brought hope to Minning Town, but also delayed climate change and brought hope to the world.

  The ecological benefits brought about by afforestation have tangibly improved the living environment of the people.

my country has launched a large-scale greening of the country's land, comprehensively protected natural forests, and expanded the scale of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, with impressive results.

The forest coverage rate has increased from 12% in the early 1980s to the current 23.04%.

A study released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) showed that from 2000 to 2017, about one-quarter of the newly added green area in the world came from China, and its contribution ratio ranked first in the world.

What followed was a tremendous change of people moving into the sand and retreating.

Since 2004, the area of ​​desertified and desertified land in my country has maintained a downward trend for three consecutive monitoring periods.

  Ten thousand stone grains accumulate in grains; thousands of zhang cloths are woven from roots.

Today's lush greenery comes from the continuous struggle and extensive participation of several generations.

Since 1981, more than 16 billion people have participated in voluntary tree planting in my country, and tens of billions of trees have been planted voluntarily.

This year, “Implementing the Nationally Determined Contribution Goals for Addressing Climate Change in 2030”, “Reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 13.5% and 18%, respectively,” and other “carbon peaks” and “carbon neutrality” related content were written into the “ The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Outline of the Long-term Goals for 2035"; among China’s new climate action goals, the forest stock volume in 2030 will increase from about 4.5 billion cubic meters to about 4.5 billion cubic meters compared to 2005. 6 billion cubic meters...These all show China's determination to promote the greening of the country and respond to climate change.

  The green of the future needs to be planted by us today.

In recent years, our country has expanded the form of responsible tree planting for all citizens to dozens of eight categories.

The expansion of channels and the innovation of forms have made it easier for more people to participate in voluntary tree planting activities.

When the green spreads on the earth, the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains also takes root in our hearts.

  The spring breeze is starting again, find a way that suits you, and plant trees together!

  Cheng Chen