On the 18th, the Spanish Parliament passed a bill in favor of euthanasia in the event of unbearable mental and physical distress due to an illness that is unlikely to be cured.

It is the fourth country in Europe to legalize physician-medicated euthanasia.

The House of Representatives of the Spanish Parliament passed a bill to legalize euthanasia on the 18th with a majority of 202 in favor and 141 in opposition, which will come into force three months later.

The law allows patients with illnesses that are unlikely to be cured and suffering unbearable mental and physical distress to apply for euthanasia.

Patients who apply will also be informed about other options, such as continuing treatment, and will be reaffirmed in writing approximately two weeks later, and will eventually be approved by a committee of medical and legal experts. Is to be decided.

Patients who can apply are Spanish nationals or legally resident citizens.

"Spain has become a more humane and fairer country, and the laws widely sought after by society have come true," Sanchez tweeted.

This is the fourth country in Europe to be euthanized by doctors taking medication, after the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.