News 1+1丨Can the new 200 medical schools meet the demand for the number of doctors?

Experts interpret the "medical fever" in universities

  Why do almost all major universities start medical schools?

  Why are some pure engineering colleges and normal colleges all starting medical schools?

  What kind of medical school do we need?

  On March 18, "News 1+1" interviewed Badenian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a medical educator, to talk about his views on the "medical fever".

What is the training capacity of the new medical school?

Badenian: Worry!

Enthusiasm but insufficient preparation

Badenian, a medical educator, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering:

Tsinghua University is one of the top universities in China. As of today, it has been running a medical school for 20 years, but its medical school can be classified as Class B at most if it needs to be evaluated.

So if Tsinghua University runs for 20 years, it can only enter the B category.

So now with the 200 newly established medical schools, can they do better than Tsinghua University?

I guess it is impossible.

In addition, I see these newly established medical schools. They don't even have anatomy teaching and research department or the autopsy room necessary for teaching anatomy.

There are no pathological standards and specimens in the pathology department.

Therefore, in this case, I think it is not necessary to run a medical school. As for the teaching staff and the teaching level of the affiliated hospital, it is even more unsightly.

Therefore, for the current newly established medical colleges, the ones that are truly qualified and not very well run, but the enthusiasm and enthusiasm for running the school is very high, that is to say, the teachers are not enough, the equipment is not enough, but they are there to recruit students and do medicine In this case, I feel very worried.

Why do many undergraduate medical students graduate and the passing rate of practicing physician qualification certificates is low?

Badenian, a medical educator, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering:

Rather than say that there is a problem with the amount of training we are currently training, the most important thing is actually the problem of quality. If the quality of our current medical education can be greatly improved, it will be at the current scale. The doctor team will also meet the needs of people, so to a certain extent I agree with the view that improving quality is much more important than blindly enrolling students to establish a new medical school. This is my point of view.

Improve the "quality" of medical students and meet the "quantity" of future demand for primary doctors

Badenian, a medical educator, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering:

I participated in the National Health China 2030 plan. We are not saying how many doctors are lacking in China. The current shortage is true, but it is not as many as said. The important thing is the layout. Unreasonable, or that these configurations are unreasonable, and the main reason for these unreasonable configurations is not that the education department’s training direction is wrong, but the attraction of jobs. Therefore, if the treatment of general practitioners, pediatricians, and psychiatrists is strengthened, the treatment of these doctors is strengthened. , The position configuration and attractiveness of these doctors, I think the overall layout of our doctors will be much better.

So on this issue, I personally think that the most important thing today is to improve the quality of teaching and cultivate qualified personnel. At the same time, we must strengthen the treatment of general practitioners in remote areas and doctors such as pediatrics and psychiatry. If these problems are not resolved, just talk about education. I'm afraid it can't be solved.