
Vechta (dpa / lni) - A new type of exchange is to convey liquid manure, manure and dung from animal husbandry across Germany in arable farming regions.

With the “nutrient center”, which was officially launched on Thursday, the giving and receiving farmers can come into direct contact with one another, said a spokesman for the Vechta district people's association.

The manure exchanges that have been operating up to now have conveyed the manure from the animal farms to buyers, but there is no direct contact between supplier and buyer.

The new exchange should make it easier to establish contact, it is a kind of "Ebay for liquid manure", the farmers involved can agree directly on quantities, prices and transport.

Farmers from all over Germany can take part in the exchange.

In the intensive animal husbandry regions such as the Weser-Ems region in Lower Saxony, due to the high number of animals, there is regularly too much manure, manure and liquid manure to be spread on the fields in the region.

On the other hand, this fertilizer is valuable for farms in arable regions because it makes artificial fertilizers superfluous.

A more balanced distribution of fertilizer quantities has been a goal in agriculture for years.


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Nutrient center