Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who are completely sick, or who think they are, 3 hypochondriacs of History: the genius composer Richard Wagner who was afraid of the disease - and had some "annoyances" that said, Howard Hughes, aviator, businessman and ladies' man - played by Leonardo di Caprio in "Aviator" by Martin Scorcese (2004), who was afraid of germs and germs to the point of staying locked in his home for several years, and Michel Blanc who, s 'he does not have much to do with his character of Jean-Claude Dusse in Les Bronzés, is however totally freaked out medically, totally hypochondriac.

With an H for Hypochondriac ....



Pascal Bouteldja

, medical practitioner and passionate about Wagner and his work.


François Forestier

, journalist and writer