China News Service, Geneva, March 17. On March 17, the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council reviewed the results of the review of human rights in the United States. Venezuela, Syria, and Belarus made speeches and criticized the human rights situation in the United States.

  Venezuela expresses serious concern about the human rights situation in the United States and strongly urges the United States to protect the people’s right to health during the epidemic; bring to justice those responsible for violence against African Americans and other minorities; protect the rights of immigrants; eliminate gender-based violence , To ensure that victims receive judicial assistance and compensation; respect international law, and immediately abolish the illegal unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela and other sovereign countries; stop state terrorism against sovereign countries, and pursue torture, enforced disappearances, and drone murders. Responsibilities; close the Guantanamo prison to protect the human rights of the detainees.

  Syria said, what qualifications does the United States have to call itself a country under the rule of law?

The United States evades its obligations under international law and seeks excuses for its military aggression and threats to the unity and territorial integrity of other countries.

The United States should amend its domestic laws to stop military aggression on the grounds of protecting national security, occupy the territories of other countries and plunder natural resources, and finance terrorism and separatists.

  Belarus expressed the hope that the country’s human rights review will enable the United States to examine its own human rights issues. The United States cannot turn a blind eye to its own human rights issues while asking other countries to respect human rights.
