
North Korea made its position through Vice-President Kim Yeo-jeong. He criticized the recent Korean-US training, saying it would be difficult for the spring days like three years ago to return.

Reporter Won Jong-jin reports.


North Korea, which remained silent even after the start of military training in Korea, released a discourse condemning the training in the name of Labor Party Vice President Kim Yeo-



Kim Yeo-jeong argued that South Korean authorities had chosen a crisis March, saying they had begun practicing war against North Korea.

Kim Yeo-jeong said that the South Korean authorities made their own choice to go beyond the red line and that the spring day three years ago would not be easy to return.

Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong also said that it is compelling to consider the issue of arranging the Korea-South Dialogue Organization and the Fatherland Peace and Unification Committee, which no longer have a reason to exist.

It also said that it is considering removing related organizations, including the Kumgangsan International Tourism Bureau, as it does not require any cooperation or exchanges with the South Korean authorities.

Kim Yeo-jeong threatened to predict even a countermeasure to destroy the inter-Korean military agreement according to the attitude of the South Korean authorities in the future.

He also expressed his position on the United States.

Kim Yeo-jung also advised the new administration of the United States. He also said that if you want to sleep comfortably for the next four years, it would be better not to create a job to sleep.