Flies are among the most annoying insects to humans, and although they gather around dirt and like to eat waste, they care a lot about cleaning themselves, and it is their exceptional visual abilities - not their speed - that cause them to escape easily when we try to catch them.

In this report published by the American "Bright Side" website, we learn a number of surprising facts about this insect that plays an important role in the balance of the ecosystem.

1- Rub the legs

If you look closely at these insects, you may notice that they often rub their legs, body, head and wings, and flies do not do this because they feel itchy, but rather in order to get rid of dirt.

In this way, flies get rid of anything that could affect the sensors that allow them to determine whether the food they eat is edible or not, and it also helps them to fly easily and find food.

For this reason, hygiene is a vital issue for flies.

2- Cleaning skills

Because of its small size, all the small particles of dust or pollen can cause a problem for flies, so he makes sure to clean himself very carefully.

Flies clean their bodies using their legs, wings and even eyes, and they do so with great skill, as they use their mouth to get rid of the dirt stuck to their legs.

3- Food taste receptors

According to one study, flies have receptors that allow them to taste food, and flies can taste food with their wings and legs, because these receptors are distributed throughout their bodies.

But in fact, flies do not taste food like humans, and experts point out that "nerve cells for taste help flies to know whether the food is edible or not."

4- There are 150,000 species of flies

According to a number of studies, there are about 150 thousand species of flies, and this number seems enormous if we compare it to the number of bird species, which is estimated at 18 thousand species.

5- Flies are not as fast as we think

It's hard for us to catch the flies when it's bothering us, but it's not as fast as we think.

In fact, flies can fly at a speed of about 7 kilometers per hour, while dragonflies fly at speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour.

6- 360-degree vision

The fly can see 360 ​​degrees, so if you plan to catch it from the back, it will see you as if you attacked it from the front.